It’s rare that passions become professions, but for Melanie, she thanks her lucky stars that her love of astrology has turned into a thriving astrological practice. Having studied astrology for over two decades and practiced for 15 years (and counting!), Melanie is a Certified Astrologer and Teacher through the Canadian Association for Astrological Education (CAAE). For Melanie, astrology is both art and science, combining a deep appreciation of ourselves, others and our inescapable life cycles, with tried and true interpretive methods. Melanie specializes in the astrology of seventeenth-century astrologer Morin de Villefranche, rectification, and solar returns, and is a much sought-after speaker, having delivered numerous lectures to national and international astrological organizations. In previous lives, Melanie was a College Writing Instructor, Career Advice Writer, Communications Specialist, and singer-songwriter. Above all, she’s a mom to two beautiful girls and has a husband who actually digs astrology.

Brittany has been compelled to know the stars and their eternal stories since childhood. After her aunt identified her as a Gemini Sun, a lifelong enchantment with the firmament followed. All grown up, Brittany has been studying astrology for the past eight years, most recently graduating from the CAAE Astrology Diploma program. Prompted by a probing Scorpio ascendant/Moon and analytical Virgo midheaven, Brittany channels her passion for health and wellness into both her day job — practicing critical care and perioperative nursing — and her astrological interests — medical and evolutionary. In her free time, Brittany enjoys spending time with friends and family.

Tammy has been contemplating the meaning of life since the ripe old age of seven. Donning red rubber boots and gazing at the heavens, she wondered what her purpose was. The Universe eventually answered, sending guidance, both intuitive and concrete. A “Happy Birthday Moon Signs Book” sealed the deal, sending Tammy on a lifelong astrological journey to understand herself, her family, friends and community better. Nearing the end of her astrological certification studies, Tammy has not only found purpose in the sky, but also a font of limitless wisdom in times both light and dark.

Have you ever met someone with the star of Hermes on the ascendant who wasn’t a lifelong learner? In Gülizar’s case, this Mercurial love affair took her down the path of astrology. They say that destiny is written in the stars, and for Gülizar, when Uranus conjoined her ascendant and opposed its natal place in a telltale midlife transit, she traded in her well-heeled career for one of astrological adventure. Gülizar completed a three-year astrology program at AstroArt School of Astrology (ASA) and is currently studying Esoteric Astrology in Troy Astrology Academy. She is married with two wonderful children.

We all have our astrology origin stories — those people, books, or classes that seize our attention and capture our imagination and send us down a rabbit hole of lifelong astrological learning. For Rose, a friend was responsible for igniting her astrological interest after suggesting she have a professional reading. This eye-opening experience confirmed that Rose absolutely had to study the science of the stars. This peppy Gemini ascendant and sun is all about communication and connecting, while a moon in Pisces makes creativity, intuition and artistry essential to integrate in all aspects of Rose’s life. Rose currently resides in the town of Pelham, where she enjoys walking and appreciating all the beauty of nature that surrounds her.